As a result the percentage of the population that is Muslim in these three countries is rounded to the nearest integer. 3%). There is also a Muslim population of about 4%, which is well above the Welsh average and the UK average of. By Jeff Diamant. 9 billion followers in 2020. A Catholic prays during morning Mass in Kano, Nigeria; Muslims mark the end of Ramadan with. . [1] India is also the country with the third-largest number of Muslims in the world. In 2010-2015, the expected Muslim growth rate is 1. The Kuwaiti population consists of 70% foreigners and 30% Kuwaiti. 57 billion Muslims of all ages living in the world today, representing 23% of an estimated 2009 world population of 6. 6%. In 2015, the Center projected that Muslims could number 3. Muslims have lived in Canada since 1871 and the first mosque was established in 1938. 10. 1) compared to the world average of (2. 9% of Europe’s population). Today, Sunday, July 23, 2023, it is estimated that 2,012,347,155 people around the world identify themselves as Muslims, which represents over 25% of the world's total population of 8,049,388,622. Under Islam, Muhammad is considered the last Prophet of God and the. By 2030, however, Pakistan is expected to surpass Indonesia as the country with the single largest Muslim population in the world. 6% of the US population). 4 Between mid-2010 and mid-2016, migration was the biggest factor driving the growth of Muslim populations in Europe. This religion is based on the Quran, a religious text that followers of Islam believe is the direct word of God. Islam is the state religion in Qatar. Is Southampton a state? Southampton is. Indonesia’s Muslim population is forecast to grow by 34. of Turkish and of no ethnic identity North Macedonia: 40,000 Muslim Macedonians up to 100,000 incl. None of the Medium-Growth Muslim population countries will have a majority of Muslim population in the next 200 years, the most will be more than 25 per cent of the population in Italy (in 2220) and Switzerland (in 2200). 1%. The most significant overestimations of the size of the Muslim population were in Wolverhampton (80 per cent of 25 respondents), Bradford (61. Identification of Turkish-Dutch Muslims the Netherlands 2015, by religious community; Muslim population in India 2011 by state; Religious composition of Hungary 2010-2050, by affiliationIslam in Ethiopia. 3 to 35. But this gap has narrowed. 1 million in 2030. 9% of the overall population. The only exception to this rule is the display of Turkey’s percentage of world population as 4. Total population; c. When we first conducted a study of Muslim Americans in 2007, we estimated that there were 2. 6%) has increased (+40. Yet, we estimate that in 2015 there were 4. Jews were not allowed to live in Wales between 1290 and the 17th century, and the Welsh Jewish community was re-established in the 1700s. 15 million adults ( see below for an explanation of this estimate). Between 2015 and 2060, Muslim population is projected to increase by 70%. Here is a list of Muslim populations by country. 1 million in 2010 to 256. Still, based on our own survey and demographic research, as well as outside sources, Pew Research Center estimates that there were about 3. 0 million, from 204. Forty-five years later, they are expected to make up more than three-in-ten of the world’s people. The. In addition, sub-Saharan Africa’s Christian population is expected to double, from 517 million in 2010 to 1. 45 million Muslims of. The Islamic era begins with the date of Muhammad’s migration ( Hijrah) to Medina, which corresponds to July 16, 622 ce, in the Gregorian calendar. Kuwait (City) The majority of Kuwaiti citizens are Muslim, with an estimated 60-70% Sunni and 30-40% Shia. 7% of the Indonesian population. 1. 6 billion in 2010 to 2. In 2045-2050, for example, the annual growth rate of. Qatar. Globally, the Muslim population is forecast to grow at about twice the rate of the non. its got a large muslim. 7% of the Indonesian population and nearly 13% of the world’s total population of Muslims. By 2030, the world’s total Muslim population is expected to increase by 35 percent over its 2010 level, to 2. 8 million to. If updated numbers become available, Eritrea may well become the newest. 1 million: Regions with significant populations Turkey: 350,000 - 600,000 Bulgaria: 67,350 Muslim Bulgarians (2011 census) up to 250,000 incl. Between 1951 and 1961, the Muslim population expanded by 32. Low-Growth Muslim population countries will never count more than 10 per cent of Muslim population in. 8% while the rate for the world’s population is 1. 7% rather than ~5%. There are a total of 3. The only state in which the Muslim share dropped was. 5 billion Sunni Muslims and 240-340 million Shia Muslims, with the remainder scattered among a few smaller denominations. In what follows, the terms Islamic world and Islamdom are used interchangeably. 45 million people of all ages, including 2. World Muslim population by percentage (Pew Research Center, 2014)The terms Muslim world and Islamic world commonly refer to the Islamic community, which is also known as the Ummah. 7%) was 7 percentage points. Islam portal v t e Islam is the third largest religion in the United States (1%), behind Christianity and Judaism, equaling Buddhism and Hinduism percentage wise. 7%, 11 percentage points more than India’s overall rate of 21. Muslims in Southampton?. S. The countries with the 10 largest Christian populations and the 10 largest Muslim populations. 6% and as high as 51. While Muslims are found on all five inhabited continents, more than 60% of the global Muslim population is in Asia and. Sudan has the world's tenth-largest Muslim population. 4% of the US population) projected to more than double to 10 million by 2050 (2. India’s Christian population grew at the slowest pace. Meaning that the population of Southampton is getting more culturally diverse. Qataris are all Muslims and followers of the Sunni Salafi version of Islam. 2 billion by 2030, according to new population projections by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life. In 2011, 19. [6] [7] The majority of India's Muslims are Sunni, with Shia making up 13% of the. Overall, the number of Muslims has been growing, as well as their share of the total world population. A projection by the PEW suggests that Muslims numbered approximately 1. From 2001 to 2011, the difference in growth between Muslims (24. In England it was 40 years of age, in 2021. This is 86. With about 1. Have a look on google maps by searching this 50. S. 7 billion followers. In Southampton, 12. Indeed, if current demographic trends continue, the number of Muslims. For instance, Muslims grew as a share of West Bengal’s population by 1. 4% of the estimated 2010 world population of 6. 8 percentage points, and the Muslim majority in Jammu and Kashmir grew by 1. Doha. American Muslims are one of the most racially diverse religious groups in the US with no majority race, split as 25% black, 24% white, 18% Asian, 18% Arab, 7% mixed race, and 5% Hispanic. 8 million Muslims as of 2016 (4. 5 million people professing the religion as of 2022. 75 million (including 1. 6% of residents consider themselves white other than white British, compared with 8. The median population age in Southampton, in 2021, is 34 years compared to 32 years in the 2011 Census. In terms of raw numbers, the states with the largest Muslim populations are New York (724,475), California (504,056), Illinois (473,792), New Jersey (321,652), and Texas. 399607 Imo this should be the area where you'll find a mosque. S. The religion of. The world’s Muslim population is expected to increase by about 35% in the next 20 years, rising from 1. The term Islamic describes aspects pertaining to Islam as a religion, while Muslim as an adjective. Turks Greece: 50,000 in Western Thrace: Languages; BulgarianThe Jewish population has also dropped. A comprehensive demographic study of more than 200 countries finds that there are 1. There were 1. 8% of Muslims were in full-time employment, compared with 34. Studies in the 21st century suggest that, in terms of percentage and worldwide spread, Islam is the fastest-growing major religion in the world,. 2% of Kazakhstan’s population, a substantially higher percentage than reported in the country’s 1999 Demographic and Health Survey, the source used to estimate Kazakhstan’s Muslim population in 2010 and 2030. 3% in. 1 billion in 2050. For the future population projections presented in this report, it is assumed that only Muslim migrants who already have – or are expected to gain – legal status in Europe will remain for the long term, providing a baseline of 25. Islam is the world's second most widely practiced religion. [1] A 2017 study estimated that 3. [2] Most Canadian Muslims are Sunni, while a significant minority are Shia and Ahmadiyya. 2 million people, identifying as adherents of Islam in 2011 Census. by 2020 – roughly 1. The. In 2015, Muslims made up 24. 909335,-1. Demographic portrait of Muslim Americans. 45 million Muslims. The young median age and high. 7%) and Indians overall (17. 5 million adults) in the U. In a modern geopolitical sense, these terms. Natural growth was the secondary driver: Among European Muslims, there were 2. also has increased over the last 20. Despite high numbers of Muslim women in full-time education, the findings show that within. Muslim Americans are a diverse and growing population, currently estimated at 3. 45 million Muslims in the United States, according to a 2017 study, comprising about 1. More information can be found on the Language, ethnicity, religion and national identity page and in the interactive Power BI dashboard linked below. 4 million Muslims in the United States (1. Sudan - 39,027,950. The U. 8 billion. Islam in Canada is a minority religion practised mostly by the immigrants and their descendants from Muslim majority countries. The number of Muslims around the world. For example, as this report went to press, Kazakhstan released the results of its 2009 census, which found that Muslims make up 70. 0 million, from 178. [needs update] This compares with the 32% growth of world population during the same period. 4% of the world's total projected population of 8. This consists of all those who adhere to the religious beliefs and laws of Islam or to societies in which Islam is practiced. 2 billion people. While the world’s population is projected to grow 32% in the coming decades, the number of Muslims is expected to increase by 70% – from 1. ”” indicates that the number of Muslims is too small to be reliably estimated. See moreThe country with the largest number of Muslims overall is Indonesia, which is home to an estimated 231 million Muslims. In 2010, 74 percent of Muslims lived in 49 countries, where they made up the majority of the population. 1% of the total US population. Islam is India's second-largest religion, [5] with 14. Muslims usually maintained their population shares within states or increased them slightly between 2001 and 2011. 2,724,000. It is the largest religion practiced in Sudan, with over 95% of the population adhering to it. 8 billion in 2015 to nearly 3 billion in 2060. 9 million more births than deaths during this period. . The oldest non-Christian community in Cardiff is Jewish. 3bn in 2030, up from 23. 1% of the global population. 45 million Muslims were living in. 3 points. 9 percent of the total population of around 113. 2% of the country's population, or approximately 172. 4,465,000. Religious switching is estimated to be a small factor in Muslim population. However, Muslim population growth from immigration may have slowed recently due to changes in federal immigration policy. Our figure is higher than Pew’s because we utilize an assessment of the size of ethnic communities in the United States to generate our. [1] A 2017 study estimated that 3. 247,256 View trend Life expectancy 80 years View trend Major ethnic 81% White View breakdown Age structure Population Average age Life expectancy Area type Unitary. The Islamic population is mainly split between 1. Southampton is home to a community of over 10,000 Muslims, many of whom worship in mosques near the city centre. 85 million in the U. Ongoing growth in both regions will fuel global increases in the Muslim population. Adherents of Islam constitute the world's second largest religious group. This is 86. 9bnIslam is the third largest religion in the United States (1%), behind Christianity and Judaism, equaling Buddhism and Hinduism percentage wise. Muslim (5. Both rates are expected to decline over time. whose Muslim population has been estimated to be as low as 36. 35 million Muslims of all ages (including 1. Since then, the Muslim population has continued to grow at a rate of roughly 100,000 per. Any country in which Muslims make up 50% or more of the population is considered a Muslim majority country. 24 Pakistan’s Muslim population is projected to increase by 78. 8 million adults). But while Islam is currently the world’s second-largest religion (after Christianity), it is the fastest-growing major religion. 1 per cent of 126 respondents), Sunderland. . 8 billion followers (2015), almost a quarter of earth's population, Islam is the second-largest and the fastest-growing religion in the world, primarily due to the young age and high fertility rate of Muslims, with Muslims having a rate of (3. In terms of the number of adherents, Islam is the second largest religion in the world. Islam is the second-largest religion in Ethiopia behind Christianity, with 31. • If current trends continue, Muslims will make up 26. It is also one of the fastest growing religions and today, has approximately 1. The country with the largest number of Muslims overall is Indonesia, which is home to an estimated 231 million Muslims. World Muslim population by percentage (Pew Research Center, 2014)Muslim population growth is the population growth of Muslims worldwide. S. 5). The majority of believers in Sudan are Sunni Muslims. 6%. The number of Muslim houses of worship in the U. 1% of the total population. 8 billion Muslims in the world as of 2015 – roughly 24% of the global population – according to a Pew Research Center estimate. By 2011, the number of Muslims had grown to 2. Muslim community is made up heavily of immigrants and the children of immigrants from.